Safety Information.

Resin Art is an amazing hobby and brilliant way to work with colour, pattern and texture.

It is extremely important to talk about the safety aspects of working with resin though, and this page will give you all of the information you need to safely enjoy working with resin.



The resin you are using for these projects is Art Coat Resin. This is known as a two-part epoxy resin.

When you combine parts A and B together, a chemical reaction takes place, causing the mixture to set.

Resin of this sort is known to give off fumes as the chemical reaction takes place while you are mixing and working with it.

It is important that you select appropriate apparatus to protect you from breathing in these chemicals and fumes.

There are many different products available for purchase. It is important that you select apparatus which matches the length of time you are likely to be working with this resin and the frequency that you plan to work with resin in a liquid state.


Natural Ventilation

The best working environment for Resin Art is a well-ventilated working environment.

Where possible, try to work outdoors, or in an open-air setting.

Open windows, doors or work under a patio area to ensure that you have the highest quantity of fresh air around you while you are working with any resin products.


Personal Protective Equipment

You have been provided with a pair of rubber gloves in your DIY Resin Kits.

These gloves do more than simply stop your fingers from getting sticky!

When working with resin, it is strongly recommended to protect your eyes and skin from exposure to the resin substance.

Gloves will protect your hands from the resin while you are mixing and pouring your resin project.

Safety glasses are strongly recommended to protect your eyes from accidental splash risks while you are working on your resin project.

Use this link to access the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for Platinum Art Coat Resin.

This document will provide you with detailed information about the resin and how to treat any exposure with the resin, including:

  • Skin contact'

  • Inhalation

  • Eye contact

  • Ingestion

Should you find that you are affected or concerned at any point while using this resin, please view this safety data sheet and consult medical professionals if it is deemed necessary.